
Penetration Tester

Alberto Montefusco

Learn. Build innovation. Solve problems.
I like playing sports, travelling and solving coding challenges. I am keen on IoT and AI. I like testing my capability and improving my skills, in particular informatic ones. Determination and curiosity are the keywords that better describe my personality.

What I Do


Detection Signature Cancer (GitHub Link)

The size of the dataset used was significantly increased in order to improve the diversity and representativeness of the data. This adjustment allowed the model to learn from a wider variety of examples, improving its generalization. In addition, adjustments were made to both models involved in this study, both the classification model and the Siamese-type model. Finally, a specification was introduced regarding the types of mutations, this allowed for greater precision in the analysis of genetic information.


Super Mario Bros AI (GitHub Link)

The following project concerns the development of an intelligent agent for the famous game produced by Nintendo Super Mario Bros. The goal of this project was to design, implement and train an agent with the Q-learning reinforcement learning algorithm. Subsequently, the results of learning with the Q-learning algorithm were compared with the SARSA algorithm. In our case study, other types of learning involving the double Q-learning algorithm, Deep Q-Network (DQN) and Double Deep Q-Network (DDQN).


KryptoAuth (GitHub Link)

The Web DApp KryptoAuth is made with the aim of offering greater security during the authentication operation by exploiting the Ethereum Blockchain technology. It allows users to purchase NFTs using KryptoTokens (personalized tokens that can be purchased by users by paying ether) and use NFTs to obtain discounts in various categories offered by the Web DApp. In addition, KryptoAuth implements an innovative verification system that leverages smart contracts for transparent and secure user authentication.


Differential-MAD (GitHub Link)

Facial Recognition (FR) systems are vulnerable to multiple attacks, one of which is the morphing attack of the face (MA). Therefore, my Team and I have decided to develop a classifier capable of recognizing several of these attacks based on five different techniques: OpenCV (OCV), FaceMorpher (FM), Style-GAN 2 (SG), WebMorpher (WM), and AMSL. The model used, MixNets, was trained on the SMDD dataset and validated on subsets of the test set.


PassChain (GitHub Link)

PassChain is an IoT device to store user's credentials (like username and password) and send them to other devices with a Bluetooth connection. Datas are encrypted with AES-128 bit in GCM mode and the board setup is made connecting PassChain to a server Python with an SSL communication. Each operation is authorized only if the user authenticates himself with a fingerprint. The project is produced for the IoT Security course of Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at University of Salerno.


DNS Benchmarking (GitHub Link)

DNS original version based on UDP or TCP offers no guarantee of security, so alternatives have emerged that guarantee confidentiality such as DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS and then DNSSEC that guarantees authenticity and integrity. In this project, an attempt was made to analyze this overhead by benchmarking the protocols: DNS-over-UDP, DNS-over-TCP, DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DNSSEC, each of which was then tested on the three servers: BIND9, PowerDNS, and Technitium.

Soft Skills

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

I like working in team, sharing my ideas and paying attention to others. In this way I can improve both technical and social skills. I share my ideas in a clear and concise way thanks to the various projects to which I participated during the years of study at the University of Salerno. I can also work alone, managing carefully anxiety and time. Also, I adapt easily to changes and pay a lot of attention to details.

Organizational Skills

Attending University, I learned to develop projects of large dimensions in collaboration with my colleagues. I learned how to merge my solutions and those proposed by my team into a single optimal idea. Sometimes I acted as project manager: I managed deadlines and collective resources and I learned to take on all the responsibilities that were entrusted to me, leading all projects to success.

Hobby and Interests



I have created a blog EthIN dedicated to Network Science and Computer Networks. In this blog I post theoretical topics, architectures and configurations of computer networks.


I love travelling around the world, in particular, to visit naturalistic places. I travelled across Italy and visited some European cities, like Barcelona. I like changes and interacting with other people.

Problem Solving

I like to challenge myself and improve my skills, especially in IT. I like to participate in different problems solving competitions especially coding challenges organized by Google and solve the various CTF online.

Food Lover

When I visit new places, I like trying different foods, in particular, I love eating Asian and Mexican dishes. I prefer restaurants where there is "all you can eat" menu because, in this way, I can taste as much as possibile.

Fun Facts

Swimming Victory


CTF Solved


Google Challenge


Coffee Consumed
